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Panels > Monday, June 28 Session 1 10am-12pm

Panel 1 • Convenor : Victoire Jaquet (CREM)
Anthropology of the living arts in the Maghreb: fields, approaches, challenges 

Panel 2 • Convenor : Hala Caroline Abou Zaki (Oxford Brookes University, Centre for Development and Emergency Practice)
Between education and employment: trajectories of young Palestinians and Syrians in time of crisis and uncertainty. The cases of Jordan and Lebanon 
Panel cancelled

Panel 4 • Convenors : Sacha Alsancakli (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, CeRMI) et Camille Rhoné-Quer (Aix-Marseille Université, IREMAM)
Power and Society in Safavid Iran (1501-1722): New perspectives on the use of non-courtly, local and independent historiographical traditions 

Panel 5 • Convenor : Ilyass Amharar (Aix-Marseille Université, IREMAM) 
Muslim scholars of the Maghreb (18th-20th century) 

Panel 7a) • Convenor : Constance Arminjon (EPHE-PSL)
Human Sciences and Epistemological Debates in Contemporary Islamic Thought

Panel 9 • Convenor : Asal Bagheri (IUT Métiers du Multimédia et de l’Internet, Cergy-Paris Université) 
The circulation of cultural products between Iran and the world 

Panel 10 • Convenor : Simon Berger (EHESS, CETOBaC) 
Representing nomads in the medieval sources of the Turko-Persian world 

Panel 11 • Convenors : Yasmine Berriane (Centre Maurice Halbwachs, CNRS) and Frédéric Vairel (École d’études politiques, Université d’Ottawa)
Vive le Peuple ? Popular classes and domination in Morocco  

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