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Panels > Monday, June 28 Session 2 4-6pm

Panel 3 • Convenors : Mariangela Gasparotto (IRIS/IFEA) and Hala Caroline Abou Zaki (CENDEP/Oxford Brookes University)
Young people, Youths and Migrations

Panel 7b) • Convenor : Constance Arminjon (EPHE-PSL)
Human Sciences and Epistemological Debates in Contemporary Islamic Thought Ongoing Research 

Panel 8 • Convenors : Viola Allegranzi (Institute of Iranian Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences) and Sandra Aube (CNRS, CeRMI)
A blooming caliphate : Abbasid stucco corpora reconsidered (8th-9th c.)

Panel 13 • Convenor : Marianne Brisville (Université de Lyon, CIHAM)
Food and foodways in Islamic Middle Age. New data, new prospects 

Panel 15 • Convenor : Jérôme Bocquet (CITERES EMAM, CNRS & Université de Tours) 
The Other in the Holy Land (Terra Sancta) ? 

Panel 16 • Convenor : Alessia Carnevale (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Ideology, aesthetics and the (re)significations of the «popular» in the music and poetry practices of the Middle East and North Africa 

Panel 30 • Convenor : Alia Gana (CNRS, UMR LADYSS)
Post-2011 socio-political upheavals in the Arab world through the prism of gender 

Panel 56 • Convenor : Enki Baptiste (Université Lumière Lyon-2, Ciham Umr-5648)
Ibadites from East and West Political commitments and religious sociabilities (8th-20th c.) 

Panel 71 • Convenor : Paul Luciani (Aix-Marseille Université, IDEMEC)
Childhood, Youth and the Construction of Subjectivity in the Maghreb and the Middle East 

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